Expo lAlimentos

August 16–17, 2023

Bogota, Colombia

U.S. dairy ingredients

USDEC will be exhibiting at the Expo IAlimentos trade show with spaces available for members to co-exhibit. As the preeminent food ingredient show in Colombia, it offers an unmatched opportunity to engage with ingredient buyers and end-users in the market. After an outpouring of interest from USDEC members and strong engagement at the show last year, we are expanding the number of spaces available to exhibit as part of the USDEC booth in 2023. Spaces are expected to fill up quickly and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

Relatively close timing and geographic proximity to the Food Ingredients South America show in Brazil presents a window to engage and expand your network of South American trade contacts as an extended 2-in-1 opportunity by exhibiting at both shows. Activities aimed at increasing familiarity with the market and introducing opportunities for U.S. dairy ingredient export success in Brazil and Colombia will tentatively be planned for the days in between the shows for those members interested and participating in both.

Sign-up deadline: March 31, 2023.


For additional information, or to be placed on a waitlist please contact Keith Meyer, kmeyer@usdec.org.