Member Alerts

Malaysia to Enforce Plant Registration

Malaysia's Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) will require all food and feed facilities that export to Malaysia to register with DVS by March 1, 2018. The requirement applies for both new facilities that have not previously exported to Malaysia and also to plants that have exported to Malaysia in the past but have not yet registered with DVS.

DVS has reported that the processing time for plant registration requests may be as long as 3-6 months, so exporters are encouraged to submit their applications to FAS Malaysia as soon as possible. USDEC has already asked whether there may be an extension granted since March 1, 2018 is less than three months from now. FAS has informed us of their willingness to request a grace period if there are applications still pending as the enforcement date approaches.

Full details on the plant registration requirements are in Volume 2 of the USDEC Export Guide, U.S. Dairy Plant Registration or Approval section. The plant registration process involves the completion of a plant questionnaire, Halal questionnaire, and the submission of various other documents.

Plants that are already registered with DVS do not need to re-register. USDEC is working to obtain a list of registered plants. Please contact Jonathan Gardner at or Sandra Benson at with questions or to request confirmation on whether your plant is already registered with DVS.