Member Alerts

China ELM update: FDA advise immediate review

FDA has advised USDEC members to review their individual Export Listing Module (ELM) data for China at once for potential errors in product scope, company name/address, contact information and other possible spelling errors or omissions.

After reviewing the information and making any corrections, it is imperative that you hit the submit button at the end of the form. The system will not reflect your revisions if you do not click the submit button. 

Once China's General Administration of Customs (former CNCA) begins the review process for the next updated plant list, any potential error in the ELM will prevent your company from shipping to China until the subsequent update (the last update was in February 2018).

We also strongly advise members to take screen shots of every page in the ELM when reviewing/completing as proof of what is entered into the system since you will not have a final print-out of the document. If you have any questions, contact Eddy Fetzer at